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About GroupJoyner

Was ist GroupJoyner? EN

By About GroupJoyner

Who and what is GroupJoyner?

GroupJoyner is the best multi-user organizer for end-to-end group administration. You can schedule events, start polls, create To-Do lists, and, of course, send messages, post pictures or share videos. In other words, do all sorts of things to make your groups more interesting and successful. Without having to switch between different applications! So you always have everything in view and are perfectly organized.

Your data

Wer kann meine Daten einsehen? EN

By Your data

Who can view my data?

If you like, nobody!
With GroupJoyner, you can create an individual profile for each group you join. This gives you full control over who can see which profile picture of you and with whom you share your personal information.

Your Groups

Was ist der „Überblick“? EN

By Your Groups

What is the Overview?

You can find all the important information about your groups and events in the “Overview” tab. In the overview, you will be kept informed about all activities that take place in your groups and events. Everything at a glance, sorted chronologically.

Was ist das Gruppen-Forum? EN

By Your Groups

What is the Group Forum?

The Group Forum is the control center for your groups. It provides you with a perfect overview of everything that happens in your group. Tap on + and create a new group poll, a new group To-Do list or a group post in no time at all.

Use the three vertical points in the upper right corner to comment on polls, To-Do lists or posts.
See also:

  • Your group polls
  • Your group To-Do lists
  • Your group posts

Wie kann ich einer Gruppe beitreten? EN

By Your Groups

How can I join a group?

You have the following options:

  • Follow an invitation sent to you by email or another channel.
  • Enter the Joyn-Code of the group.
  • Scan the QR code.
  • Or make an application for membership.

If you have not accepted a public invitation (see also: How do I invite members?), an administrator still has to confirm your group membership.

  • Or make an application for membership.

Now an administrator has to accept your membership request (unless you have followed an invitation that does not require confirmation by an administrator, see also How do I invite members?).

Was ist der Joyn-Code? EN

By Your Groups

What is the Joyn code?

Each group has an individual Joyn code. The Joyn code allows you to find the groups you want to join. Membership applications that are made using the Joyn code must always be confirmed by an administrator.

Wie lade ich Mitglieder ein? EN

By Your Groups

How do I invite members?


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  1. Open your group.
  2. Tap the + in the “Members” tab.
  3. Share your Joyn code, send an invitation email, share the QR code or forward the sign-up link via a channel of your choice.
  4. Or create a phantom member, e.g., if you are still missing the contact details of the person you want to invite. 
The phantom member is administered by the administrator. Of course, it has no contact data yet and cannot participate in polls. However, the administrator can assign To-Do lists to the Phantom member.
  5. Confirm the accepted invitation(s).
  6. And that’s it!


If you want to invite several members at once, select “Group invitation by email” (or: “Share the link to group invitation“) and then “Public invitation“. Then you don’t have to confirm each accepted invitation individually.

Was bedeutet … EN

By Your Groups

What is the meaning of…

… “Group name”?

Choose a group name that is characteristic of the group and by which you can identify yourself. The group name appears in all views and search masks.

… Description?

The description supplements the group name and provides further information about the type of group.

… Group category?

Put your group into a category so that it can be found more quickly later on.

… “Enter location”?

Does your group have a fixed location, e.g., a clubhouse, a sports facility or a conference room? You can enter this location here.

… “Visibility”?

Using the “Visibility” function, you can determine whether your group should only be visible to group members. Other GroupJoyner user will not be able to find your group.

… “Gender”?

With this function, you can make your group exclusively accessible to women or men.

… “Age restriction”?

With this function, you can assign an age limit to your group.

Was muss ich tun, wenn ich zu GroupJoyner eingeladen werde? EN

By Your Groups

What do I do if I am invited to GroupJoyner?

Just follow the link or scan the QR code in the invitation. Then your joyn request will be sent to the administrator of the group. As soon as it is confirmed, you are a group member.
If you have been sent a public invitation (see: How do I invite members?), the group administrator no longer needs to confirm your membership request.

Wie gründe ich eine Gruppe? EN

By Your Groups

How do I create a group?



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  1. Simply tap on the + under “My groups“.
  2. Give your group a name, description and, if you like, choose a representative picture.
  3. Select the category to which your group belongs.
  4. If available, enter a web address for your group.
  5. If you want, indicate a location for your group.
  6. Decide
      1. if your group should be visible to others via the search function
whether your group should have a gender restriction
if your group should have an age limit. Tap on “Create“.
    And that’s it!

Your events

Was ist das Event-Forum? EN

By Your events

What is the Event Forum?

The Event Forum is the control center for your events. It provides you with a perfect overview of everything concerning your event. Create new event polls, event To-Do lists or posts in no time – or comment on the polls, To-Do lists and posts made by other event participants. 
See also:

  • Your event polls
  • Your event To-Do lists
  • Your event posts

Muss ein Event immer für die ganze Gruppe angelegt werden? EN

By Your events

Does an event always have to be created for the whole group?

No. You can also create events in which only individual group members participate. Simply leave the function “Add members automatically” deactivated when creating the event (see also “How do I create an event?“). You can also set the event to invisible so that only participants can see it.

Wie lade ich Teilnehmer zu meinem Event ein? EN

By Your events

How do I invite participants to my event?


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  1. Open the event in your group.
  2. Tap on “Participants” and then on the +.
  3. Select the group member you want to add to the event, or simply tap “Select all members” if you want the entire group to participate.
  4. And that’s it!

Was ist ein wiederkehrendes Event? EN

By Your events

What is a recurring event?

For example, the morning meeting in the office, the weekly training of your team or the monthly group meeting. When you create the event (see “How do I create an event?“), decide whether your event is going to be a regular occurrence.

Wie kann ich das Event-Bild ändern? EN

By Your events

How can I change the event image?

  1. Open the event in your group.
  2. Tap on the event name at the top of the menu.
  3. Tap on the three vertical menu points at the top right and select “Edit event“.
  4. Tap on “Select an image“.
  5. If necessary, enable camera access or allow access to your photos.
  6. Take a photo or select an existing picture.
  7. And that’s it!

Wie kann ich meinem Event ein Bild zuweisen? EN

By Your events

How can I assign a picture to my event?


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  1. Tap the camera icon when creating the event.
  2. If necessary, enable camera access or allow access to your photos.
  3. Take a photo or select an existing picture. And that’s it!

Wie lege ich ein Event an? EN

By Your events

How do I create an event?


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  1. Open your group.
  2. Tap the + in the “Events” tab.
  3. Give your event a title, description and, if you like, choose a representative picture.
  4. Add a date and time to your event or start a poll to choose a date.
  5. Indicate where your event is to take place.
  6. Specify whether
    1. your event should be visible to all group members or only to event participants,
    2. if your event participants are allowed to bring guests and
    3. whether all group members should be automatically added to the event.
  7. Activate the scoreboard to share scores with your event participants.
  8. Tap on “Create“.

That’s all there is to it.

Your places

Wie weise ich meinen Events Orte zu? EN

By Your places

How do I assign locations to my events?

  1. Open the event for which you want to specify a location.
  2. Go to the “Places” tab.
  3. Tap the +.
  4. Enter the name of the location (e.g., sports field or library).
  5. Search by location.
  6. Indicate if it is the main location of your group
  7. If you want, describe your location.
  8. Tap on “Create“.

And that’s it!

Wie weise ich meinen Gruppen Orte zu? EN

By Your places

How do I assign locations to my groups?

  1. Open the group for which you want to specify a location.
  2. Go to the “Places” tab.
  3. Tap the +.
  4. Enter the name of the location (e.g., sports field or library).
  5. Search by location.
  6. Indicate if it is the main location of your group
  7. If you want, describe your location.
  8. Tap on “Create“.

And that’s it!

Your To-Do’s

Ich möchte ein noch nicht zugewiesenes Event-To-Do übernehmen, als erledigt kennzeichnen oder einem anderen Teilnehmer zuweisen. Was muss ich tun? EN

By Your To-Do's

I want to take over an unassigned event To-Do, mark it as done or assign it to another participant. What do I have to do?

  1. Open the corresponding group forum.
  2. In the To-Do tab, tap the down arrow to display the open To-Do lists.
  3. Tap on the empty blue box next to the open To-Do’s you want to take over.
  4. Select
    1. Assign task
    2. Take over task” or
    3. Task done“.

And that’s it!

Wie erstelle ich ein Event-To-Do? EN

By Your To-Do's

How do I create an event To-Do?


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  1. Open the event for which you want to create a To-Do.
  2. Go to the “Event forum“.
  3. Tap on the + and select “Event To-Do“.
  4. Give your To-Do list a title (and a description if you want).
  5. In the “Deadline” field, specify the deadline for completing the To-Do.
  6. State what needs to be done.
  7. Optionally, assign the To-Do to a group member. Unassigned To-Do’s will be marked “Open“.
  8. Tap on “Create“.

And that’s it!

Ich möchte ein noch nicht zugewiesenes Gruppen-To-Do übernehmen, als erledigt kennzeichnen oder einem anderen Gruppenmitglied zuweisen. Was muss ich tun? EN

By Your To-Do's

I want to take over an unassigned group To-Do, mark it as done or assign it to another group member. What do I have to do?

  1. Open the corresponding group forum.
  2. In the To-Do tab, tap the down arrow to display the open To-Do’s.
  3. Tap on the empty blue box next to the open To-Do you want to take over.
  4. Select
    1. Assign task
    2. Take over task” or
    3. Task done“.

And that’s it!

Wie erstelle ich ein Gruppen-To-Do? EN

By Your To-Do's

How do I create a group To-Do?

  1. Open the group for which you want to create a To-Do.
  2. Tap on the + in the “Group forum“.
  3. Tap on “Group To-Do“.
  4. Give your To-Do list a title (and a description if you want).
  5. In the “Deadline” field, specify the deadline for completing the To-Do.
  6. State what needs to be done.
  7. Optionally, assign the To-Do to a group member. Unassigned To-Do’s will be marked “Open“.
  8. Tap on “Create”.

And that’s it!

Your polls

Wie starte ich eine Event-Umfrage? EN

By Your polls

How do I start an event poll?


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  1. Open the event for which you want to start a poll.
  2. Go to the “Event forum“.
  3. Tap on the + and select “Event poll“.
  4. Give your poll a title (and a description if you want).
  5. Specify at least two options (e.g., two dates).
  6. Indicate whether
    1. your poll has a deadline,
    2. members may cast more than one vote and
    3. your poll is to be conducted anonymously.
  7. Tap on “Create“.

And that’s it!

Wie starte ich eine Gruppen-Umfrage? EN

By Your polls

How do I start a group poll?

  1. Open the group for which you want to start a poll.
  2. Go to the “Group forum“.
  3. Tap on the + and select “Group poll“.
  4. Give your poll a title (and a description if you want).
  5. Specify at least two options (e.g., two dates).
  6. Indicate whether
    1. your poll has a deadline,
    2. members may cast more than one vote and
    3. your poll is to be conducted anonymously.
  7. Tap on “Create“.

And that’s it!

Wie kann ich eine Umfrage beenden? EN

By Your polls

How can I finish a poll?


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  1. Depending on whether you want to finish a group or event poll, open the group or event forum.
  2. Tap on the three vertical menu points in the corresponding poll tab.
  3. Select “Finish poll“. And that’s it!

(You can restart your poll. Simply tap again on the three vertical menu points in the corresponding poll tab and then select “Restart poll“. And that’s it!)


Wie kann ich eine Umfrage bearbeiten? EN

By Your polls

How can I edit a poll?


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Polls can only be processed as long as there are no answers yet.

  1. Depending on whether you want to edit on a group or event poll, open the group or event forum.
  2. Tap on the three vertical menu points in the corresponding poll tab.
  3. Select “Edit poll“.
  4. Edit your poll.
  5. Tap on “Save“.

And that’s it!

Wie kann ich eine Umfrage kommentieren? EN

By Your polls

How can I comment on a poll?

  1. Depending on whether you want to comment on a group or event poll, open the group or event forum.
  2. Tap on the three vertical menu points in the corresponding poll tab.
  3. Select “Comment“.
  4. Write your comment.
  5. Tap “Done“.

And that’s it!

Wie kann ich den Stand meiner Umfragen sehen? EN

By Your polls

How can I see the status of my polls?


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You can view the details of your poll by tapping on the down arrow in the poll tab.

Your posts

Wie melde ich einen Post? EN

By Your posts

How do I report a post?

  1. Tap on the three vertical menu points in the upper right corner of the post that you want to report.
  2. Select “Report post to GroupJoyner“.
  3. And that’s it!

Was bedeutet „Post bei GroupJoyner melden“? EN

By Your posts

What does “Report post to GroupJoyner” mean?

If you consider a group member’s post to be morally, legally, or ethically objectionable, you can report it to us. We at GroupJoyner will then check whether the post should be removed or whether further legal action is necessary.

Your account

Your calender

Wie synchronisiere ich den GroupJoyner-Kalender mit dem System-Kalender meines Smartphones? EN

By Your calendar

How do I synchronize the GroupJoyner calendar with the system calendar of my smartphone?

  1. Simply switch from the Group menu to the Calendar menu.
  2. If you want to add events to your system calendar, you must give GroupJoyner permission to access your system calendar.
  3. Tap the three vertical menu points next to the event you want to transfer to your calendar, and then tap “Add to calendar“. And that’s it!

Your contactes