Jul 03 Wie kann ich meine persönlichen Daten bearbeiten? EN By 16JoynERG Your account How can I edit my personal data? Switch from the group menu to the “Account” menu. In the “My Account” tab, tap the three vertical menu points and then tap “Edit“. Customize your personal information. Tap on “Save“. And that’s it!
Jul 03 Was ist das Konto? EN By 16JoynERG Your account What is the account? In the Account section, you manage your personal information and any profiles you use in your groups. You can also specify which groups you want to receive notifications for in the Account section.
Jan 04 Ich möchte in meiner Gruppe ein anderes Profil verwenden. Wie geht das? EN By 16JoynERG Your account I would like to use a different profile in my group. How do I do that? Open your group. Tap on the group name in the menu header and then on the three vertical menu points. Open “Group settings“. Tap on “My account“. Select the profile you want to use or quickly create a new profile. That’s all there is to it.
Jan 04 Wie kann ich ein bestehendes Profil ändern? EN By 16JoynERG Your account How can I change an existing profile? Open your group. Tap on the group name in the menu header and then on the three vertical menu points. Open “Group settings“. Tap on “My account“. Select the profile you want to use or quickly create a new profile. That’s all there is to it.